Our multi-player flights serve as a meeting place online for flight simulation enthusiasts around the world. Whether you’re a seasoned pilot or just starting out, muti-player is the place for you to discover the joy of sharing experiences, knowledge, and friendship within the DC-3 Airways online community.
Each flight last about one hour and thirty minutes and might include several “touch & go”s.
- Tuesday flight starts at 18:00 UTC, prepared by 2546 Roger Wyrick.
- Thursday flight at 18:00 UTC, prepared by 1026 Johan van Wyk.
- Saturday flight at 18:00 UTC, prepared by 1161 Roy Möhlmann.
- Sunday flight at 13:00 UTC, prepared by 1056 Paul Crumley.
What do you need for Multi-player Flights?

TeamSpeak 3
TeamSpeak 3 (TS3) is a popular voice communication software primarily used by online virtual airlines that require real-time voice communication during their activities. It allows voice channels where participants can chat, coordinate, and strategize.

swift Pilot Client
swift is a pilot client for virtual air traffic simulation networks. swift will connect your flight simulator to our multi-player online flight server.

LittleNavMap is a versatile and powerful flight planning and navigation tool designed for flight simulation enthusiasts and is our preferred flight planning and auto follow map.